Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The First "96 Steps"

As the alarm went off at 7 a.m.,the very first waking thoughts were relieving and enthusiastic:I would not have to wear formals and rush to the office,instead I would spend the day absorbing knowledge from distinguished professors and accomplished classmates.

I was already mesmerized by the beauty of 'God's Own Campus' NITIE and the climate made it just perfect. NITIE was ready to provide us the best learning environment and then we took the famous '96 steps'.

As I got settled down in Syndicate 1,I saw Mr.T Prasad enter the classroom.The very first glimpse of him made me realize that he is the famous 'Dr. Mandi' whose videos and blogs I had read before. Dr. Mandi is a famous personality in and around MBA community.The class delivered everything that was expected.
His unique teaching style(which I always just heard of) was actually delivered.The toys,song "We do not need no education" by Pink Floyd,poems,humour and flying kisses all around made the environment pleasing.I could find him in each and every corner of the room interacting with the students.He allowed students to take videos,photographs.

Smiling faces all around......

The interactive session made me realize that I was spending 2500 Rs a day to study at NITIE. I was spending money which did not belong to me. Dr. Mandi made me realize that there are many people who earn on daily basis for their livelihood."Aaj ki Roti Aaj Hi Kamao",else I will end up being a beggar.If I  earn even a small percentage of my spending daily,I could turn out to be a successful manager who would not need all this learning.

"Money" and "Marks" should be prioritized above "Learning".The statement might seem arguable,but if I am able to make money by opening an enterprise and I am able to bring marks,the learning would directly come to me without realization."Socho Socho,Becho Becho,Becho Seekho,Sekho Becho" were " Dr. Mandi's lines.

Then we talked about "Student Enterprise".As I had an business idea,he asked me to discuss on the idea later with him.He talked about successful alumni who own their enterprises and cleared our doubts on how we could deal with issues of funds and time.An enterprise never require money to start its operations,it requires only great ideas.

There were no case studies,no frightening management jargon's. The session was on simple principles of management which include learning,developing ideas, implementing them and also selling them.A hard fact...but money matters.

I had written blogs in the past,but never on the subjects I study.Thanks to Dr. Mandi who made me realize that we should always write blogs on our subjects,apart from on other aspects of life.Through this blog,I would be sharing my learning and experiences at NITIE with the world.

Please comment on the blogs so that I can improve my blogs in the future.


  1. Good start :) :)
    Time to transform.

  2. A good point to think about 'Learning for Marks or Learning for Money'

    This is a great initiative to capture the transformation thru blogs..

    1. Its not about Learning for Marks or Learning for Money.Its about what should be priority.If I am able to earn Money and Marks out of by Business/Managerial Skills,Learning must have already inculcated in me.
      Practical implementation brings maximum learning.

    2. i rate a daily wage bread winner ( who learns + earns ) more than the MBA who spend for 20 yrs.. and start contributing after 30 yrs or so..

      - Immediacy,Concurrently doing things is nothing wrong and life is all about..

      Life is more about concurrance..

      Think of most people all around us... becomes " P A P I " first and followed by ..then go to a temple and come out of it.

  3. gud start for me learn some aspects of management. Thanks bro..Keep on...
