Thursday, June 20, 2013

The X and Y Manager

So what's X and Y?We all have heard about them as variables in Algebra or as types of Chromosomes in Biology.But here I would be referring to "McGregor's XY Theory".

Theory X and Theory Y was an idea devised by Douglas McGregor in his 1960 book “The Human Side of Enterprise”. It encapsulated a fundamental distinction between management styles and has formed the basis for much subsequent writing on the subject.

Theory X is an authoritarian style where the emphasis is on:
  • Productivity
  • Concepts of fair Day's work
  • Rewards for performance
  • Restriction of output
It reflects an underlying belief that management must counteract an inherent human tendency to avoid work.

Theory Y is a participative style which assumes that people would exercise self-direction and self-control in order to achieve the organization's is believed that employees would remain committed to their jobs and it's management's task to maximize that commitment.

Now lets try to understand the following statements:

1) Theory X Manager assume LAZY workers as LAZY and make them work
2) Theory X Manager assume NOT LAZY workers as LAZY and make them work
3) Theory Y Manager assume LAZY workers as NOT LAZY and make them work
4) Theory Y Manager assume NOT LAZY workers as NOT LAZY and make them work

1) Theory X Manager assume LAZY workers as LAZY and make them work

When LAZY workers are made to work by Theory X Managers,they use authoritarian ways to deal with them.Managers try to get work done by frightening the workers,workers work just for the sake of their job and to avoid getting fired.But in such a case,both the Worker and Management is at loss.In all,the whole organization suffers.

  • There is lack of innovation and new ideas as work is seen as a burden by workers.
  • Management gets more and more negative and hopeless towards the workers and their business.
  • Lack of responsibility on workers side
  • Workers stand against the management and risks the business.
  • Instead of making the workers realize their wrong attitude,management makes them develop retaliative approach.
2) Theory X Managers assume NOT LAZY workers as LAZY and make them work

This case can have even more devastating consequences.Manager does not trust his worker,he is hopeless and pessimistic .His authoritarian approach and his lack of realization can lead to :
  • Lack of innovation and new ideas:Though company has workers who can give great ideas,but they fear the management and do not participate in communication
  • Waste of useful human resource
  • Workers avoid taking roles and responsibilities just to be on the safe side.
  • Stagnant business practices despite availability of resources
  • Growing discomfort,dissatisfaction and insecurity among the workers.  
  • Though performance based rewards are given,but the rewards won't bring personal satisfaction to the workers 
3) Theory Y Managers assume LAZY workers as NOT LAZY and make them work

Theory Y Managers are hopeful.They try to reward,motivate and support the workers.The implications of such management can be:
  • Lazy workers get motivated and try to change their attitude towards work because the manger thinks the worker has potential to work and he tries tries to change his approach towards work.
  • Lazy workers realize the values of the company
  • Lazy workers realize their role and responsibilities in the company.They start communicating their ideas which are most welcomed by the management.
  • Timely perks,appreciations boosts the morale of such workers and as time progresses they turn out to be efficient workers. 

4) Theory Y Managers assume NOT LAZY workers as NOT LAZY and make them work

The implications of such management are:

  • Workers are given good roles and responsibilities and expected to deliver the same.
  • As the management is hopeful about its workers,the  trust level developed between employee and worker is immense.
  • Workers try to bring up their ideas and innovations on the common platform which are respected and discussed.
  • Workers feel secure and comfortable.The personal satisfaction and monetary rewards make employees happy.
  • Such practice develop Theory X principles in the workers itself and they practice the same when they reach top management.
I have come across managers of both the types:THEORY X as well as THEORY Y.Though both were able to deliver output,but in a long run THEORY Y managers turned out to be more successful for the business as well as the company.THEORY X managers would find it difficult to achieve results in modern organizations.

I have always shown characteristics of being a X Type Manager.I believe that 'Employee Comes First',Proper Guidance,Motivation,Accolades and Perks to keep them enthusiastic makes workplace a enjoyable place.It brings in innovation and new ideas,which are actually hear and if found good are also implemented. 

Go through the following video:


  1. Good going bro....keep up the work ;) :D

  2. check your classfications..

    X managers - Lazy workers are assumed as lazy

    - Not lazy workers are assumed as Lazy

    Y Managers - Lazy workers are assmued as NOT LAZY

    - Not lazy workers are assumed as NOT LAZY..


    1. Sir,My interpretation from the mail send by you was to talk on

      1 - Theory X Manager assume LAZY workers as LAZY and make them work
      2 - Theory X Manager assume NOT LAZY workers as NOT LAZY and make them work

      3 - Theory Y Manager assume LAZY workers as LAZY and make them work
      4 - Theory Y Manager assume NOT LAZY workers as NOT LAZY and make them work

      But I have understood I need to talk about

      "X Manager assume NOT LAZY workers as LAZY and make them work"
      and NOT as
      "Theory X Manager assume NOT LAZY workers as NOT LAZY and make them work"

      In the same way,I need to talk about

      "Y Managers assume NOT LAZY workers as NOT LAZY and make them work"
      and NOT
      "Theory Y Manager assume NOT LAZY workers as NOT LAZY and make them work"

      I will make the following changes in the blog

    2. theory x manager assume always his workers as LAZY.. (Either they are lazy or not..)..
      On the other hand.. Theory Y manager always assume his /her workers as NOT LAZY ( either his workers are lazy or not lazy).
      So finally,..

      Theory X managers doubt their employees..
      Theory Y managers DO NOT doubt their employees..


  3. Hi akshay. suppose there is an employee who is not lazy but behaves as one because he wants some perks or some benifits. Assume that in IT(as u wll know) there are employees who disguise to be lazy and waits for some benefits. Which behaviour should a manager try to keep up with? If he is X, he is ne ways at loss,. And if he is y then he wll always try to motivate the employee thereby making the employee materialistic to some extent. Pls let me know. Thanks and Regards

  4. let me respond..

    Let the W O R L D.. what ever be.. I will do what I want to..

    I am here to be W H A T I W A N T.. this world is short and temporary stop for me..

    I believe and go ahead with that this world is GOOD..

    Despite ( if only ) the world is NOT .. Knowingly + consciously.. I opt to treat this world as good.

    Let the world deceive me... I will not doubt it.. Because this is what I want to.. love.. dr mandi..09869464525

  5. Pretending laziness is always done by people who are Lazy.They pretend because they don't want to work,so they are lazy.

    If employee is in disguise,think who would be at loss.X manager would not tolerate him for much time and try to get work out of him by hook or by worse he would throw him out.
    On the other hand,a Y manager would motivate him,If he even follows the pattern,manager would let him be in his space and comfort zone.His roles and responsibilities would automatically be reduced.But it won't affect manager's work.He will get his work done through other employees.
    I don,t think manager would be at loss.It would be his employee who would lose respect.Monetary rewards,perks give you satisfaction only for short time.

  6. let me again respond..

    Theory X Employee ( acting lazy person ! ) cannot be repaired ... changed by manager acting as Theory X... It is impossible..

    At the same time, if the manager takes to Theory Y tendency .. sure so called acting theory X type worker will also change...

    Purpose of Motivation is not only to get performance.. but also to change the lazy workers as NOT LAZY ones.. dr mandi
